Thursday 15 November 2012

New shot list:

Shot list for my new and improved, final version of the music video:

The new narrative is supposed to focus on an incorrect time reference. While I appear to be a ghost figure, not interacting with the visual surroundings, I am actually in a different time position from what the female is doing. While she is portraying a year long relationship in 3 minutes, (The start with the flowers, the middle with the meal and movie, the end with the shouting.) I am sitting on the sofa from a point in time after she has left. I am visually reflecting on the time we had together while not actually participating in the narrative content taking place in the video around me. There may or may not be cuts in the video, but the camera will be on a tripod and will film the same shot of the sofa throughout. I will constantly be sitting on the right side of the sofa, showing little to no emotion, simply singing the lyrics of the song. Meanwhile the girl will be performing all of the actual acting of the film.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, much more focused here, Jack. Don't forget that you can rotate images, so the upload above from your camera is the correct way up. Good luck with the filming.
