Friday 16 November 2012

Time plan contingency:

Since my video will now require all footage to feature the girl acting, I will obviously have to change my time plans. Also, the video is now a somewhat different idea to the improvement I had in mind. Since the girl can no longer make it until the weekend before the deadline, AKA one week after originally intended, the schedule will now have to be altered significantly...

Time plan error and contingency plans:

Time plan error:

The error was that I was originally intending to film the footage for the video on 17/11/12 and then have a solid fortnight based time slot for editing and making necessary improvements. The problem being the female performing artist in the music video, pulled out due to personal issues that conflicted with my filming plans. She could have only made it to the house for filming during the day, and since the film takes place at night, and since we need some time and she was on a tight schedule for this day, the occasion had to be cancelled. With this problem in my plans to manage time during video production, I will now need to declare that filming will take place on 24/11/12. I will also need to use this experience to reflect on my planning. I will now conduct a brief but effective contingency plan schematic in which I will determine what I must do if something else goes wrong…
What could go wrong:
What to do about it:
Female pulls out of filming again on 24/11/12.
Filming is now incomplete and can seemingly not be complete and edited by the deadline.
I fail the coursework due to either failing to film the video or film it in the week, then not have time to edit it properly.
I have already arranged a date for filming with the artist, and have constantly reminded her to be there for the date. Last time, the problem’s source was that she forgot that she was supposed to be filming and made other plans.
I cannot gain access to a decent camera for filming on the day.
Filming can now no longer be conducted and I cannot make my music video.
I fail the coursework due to not completing the music video and not getting any filming done.
I plan to use the library camera and book it a day or two in advance to combat this problem. If this option is not accessible, then I will either borrow the female artist’s camera, use a family members camera. Or if worst comes to worst, film with a webcam or phone, though quality will be limited if we use this.
School is closed due to damage, bad weather, etc…
I cannot progress with my work. The longer an event like this takes place the greater the significance…
I fail the coursework due to not completing the production of the video, not being able to hand in video at deadline, etc…
I will have to work at home if this occurs, since I am working solo, this won’t be too big of a deal. I will have to use what software is available on my home computer to complete both production of the video and subsidiary tasks…

Computers stop working or internet access fails.
Faulty electronic system used by the school computing error, etc…
My coursework is failed because I cannot use essential resources for my video production and other tasks.
If I cannot work at school for a significant time period, I must make up for it at home. If access to superior software is the problem, I will have to use what software is available to me with the technology I have to complete the coursework.

1 comment:

  1. Very thorough Jack.

    I feel an animatic would help, feel free to use simple stock photo's to create it OR simple drawings BUT it is essential that your actress knows precisely what you want of her.
